We are much aware of our environmental impact.It has always been our sincere policy to reduce this impact and therefore, we strive to improve our environmental performance as much as we can.
Hópbílar comply with ISO 14001 environmental standards and we were one of the first Icelandic companies back in 2003 to implement this system. We think it’s important that our operations are in as much harmony with the environment as possible.
Hópbílar‘s Environmental Policy
- Reviewing environmental policy regularly and work towards continuous improvement of the company’s environmental management system.
- Promoting pollution controls by:
– Monitor important environmental factors in the company’s operations.
– Minimize and sort waste from the company.
– Reduce polluting emissions from the company’s vehicles. - Promoting sustainable development through reduced use of raw materials, reusing and recycling.
- Selecting suppliers with environmental protection interests as a guide.
- Behaving in accordance with applicable environmental laws and regulations as well as to keep a close eye on changes in laws and regulations therof.
- Promoting environmental awareness of employees through education and training and encouragement to carry out their work in an environmentally friendly way.
- Making sure the companies meet the requirements of the international environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015.
- Emphasizing that employees and stakeholders know the environmental policy and are involved in enforcing it.
Hópbílar, with its operations, can adversely affect the environment and are subject to environmental laws and regulations. With this in mind, Hópbílar uses the environmental management standard ISO 14001 as a guide in all its activities.
Safetey & Security
Safety and security is a significant part of Hópbílar‘s operations. In 2014, a certified security management system was implemented according to the international OHSAS 18001 standard. Efforts are continuously made to improve the safety and health of our customers as well as our employees, and we‘re proud of the safety awareness that has been achieved among our employees.
All our vehicles are equipped with seat belts in every seat. Sudden weather changes are frequent in Iceland, therefore, our buses are always equipped with respect to the circumstances and undergo routine inspections at our own workshop.
Hópbílar’s safety and health protection policy
Hópbílar is a company that is concerned about the safety and health of employees and passengers. The company wants to be a leader in this field and strives to offer qualified and well-trained drivers and new cars. This contributes to safety and comfort as much as possible.
Hópbílar has set goals of:
- Reviewing the companies’ safety and health protection policies regularly and work on continuous improvements in the field of health and safety.
- Improving the safety awareness of employees and other stakeholders with:
- Analyzing risk factors in the work environment of employees and work on improvements to reduce risk
- Aiming for an accident-free working environment, i.e. that employees are not injured or suffer health damage at work
- Practicing active incident registration with an emphasis on near accidents
- Selecting suppliers and sub-contractors based on their safety performance
- Paying close attention to the developments that are taking place in the legal environment with regard to health and safety issues and comply in all respects with the requirements made at any given time
- Its companies meeting the requirements of the international health and safety standard OHSAS 18001
- Its employees and stakeholders are familiar with the safety and health protection policy and are involved in its implementation
– Regular education
– Encouragement for employees to carry out their work safely
– Provide guidance and training to employees, sub-contractors and visitors in health protection and safety matters
Hópbílar continuously strive to hire the most qualified staff available. We try to have a working environment so that employees feel comfortable at work and the company contributes to supporting the social life of employees. All for the purpose of creating a good work ethic. Workplace analysis are carried out regularly as well as audits of work facilities. Hópbílar supports and strengthens the health promotion of their employees.
Hópbílar has set goals of:
- Hiring the most qualified staff available at any given time.
- Always adhering to existing wage agreements and interpret their provisions with regard to the interests of the company and its employees.
- Offeing its employees opportunities for career development through targeted education and training.
- Ensuring the working environment is kept safe at all times.
- Employees performing their duties with honesty, diligence and responsibility.
Bullying and harassment
Bullying and harassment will never be tolerated. It is the joint duty of management and employees to encourage preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of harassment in the workplace. If employees experience or witness such an act, the response shall be in accordance with a special response plan known to all managers.

Safe working environment
Hópbílar use the following definitions from Regulation no. 1009/2015 on measures against harassment, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence in the workplace:
Bullying is a recurring behavior that is generally likely to cause distress to the victim, such as belittling, insulting, hurting or threatening the person or causing them fear.
Sexual harassment is any sexual behavior that is unwelcome and that has the purpose or effect of disrespecting the person, especially when the behavior leads to threatening, hostile, degrading, humiliating or abusive situations. The behavior can be verbal, symbolic and / or physical.
Hópbílar has set goals of:
- Educating all employees about what sexual violence and bullying is, what it entails and what the manifestation can be.
- Ensuring good communication in the workplace through information, open discussion, courtesy and respect.
- Promoting tolerance towards ethnicity, disability, sexual behavior, gender or anything else that may differentiate an employee from others in the working group.
- Promoting a positive work ethic, independence in the job and opportunities for employees to influence the job.
- Following a contingency plan and ensure the necessary follow-up in the event of an incident.
- Minimising employee absenteeism in cases of sexual violence or harassment by offering outside assistance to resolve issues.
- Employees knowing the policy and are involved in implementing it.
- Bullying and sexual harassment will not be tolerated within the companies. However, in the event of a case of this nature, the perpetrators may expect a written reprimand, a transfer of employment and possible dismissal.

Gender equality plan
Hópbílar promotes gender equality and that gender and equality perspectives shall be given high priority in all the company’s activities. The goal is to make Hópbílar a desired workplace for everyone, regardless of gender, age, color, ethnicity or other factors that differentiate people. We fully comply with laws, rules and wage agreements on equality and the terms of employment of employees.